Character Design Challange:Goblin Aviator
Character Design Challange:Goblin Aviator
Cartoon 112
Cartoon 112
Editorial cartoons Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
Editorial cartoons Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
Character Design Cat
Character Design Cat
Campagne Nederlandse hartstichting
Illustrations for the FAST campaign
Alien: personal Project
Get in shape cartoon
Get in shape cartoon for promotion
Character Design: Rex & Blue
Character Design: Rex & Blue
Concept and text: Marjon Borsboom artwork by me
Character Design: URL
Character Design: URL
Internal company mascotte
Character Design: Captain CRM
Character Design: Captain CRM
Chitchat, Personal project
Character Design gemeente Zoetermeer
Character Design; Gezond werk werkt beter,
for internal communication.
Toybank App -
Start saving-Start playing!
Teach your kid about the value of money.
Leaflet Infographic Digitale werkplek
Leaflet and Infograpic Digitale werkplek
Character Design Challenge
Here you will find my Character Designs entries for the Character Design References Magazine